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Showing posts from December, 2014

Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) Simplied for Network Pro

Encapsulation is a kind of  mechanism that transport packets of one type of protocol within another protocol. The protocol that is been carried is called as the Passenger Protocol , and the protocol that is used for carrying the passenger protocol is called as the Transport Protocol .

Cisco ASA: What is NAT Control ?

Every product vendors have their own implementation of NAT and terminologies related to it like " Hide-NAT " is associated with Checkpoint firewall while " MIP, DIP & VIP "are associated with Juniper firewall like wise NAT-Control is associated with Cisco PIX/ASA firewall, it's an Cisco way of NAT implementation and understanding NAT-Control concept is highly crucial if you have to deal with PIX/ASA firewall.

The Concise Guide to Proxies

In legal term doing proxy is a crime but in IT space it is a security measure, there are various usage and types of proxies.

Load Sharing Vs Load Balancing for Dummies

The term load balancing and load sharing are used interchangeably which is not correct. The overall functioning overlaps with each other but at one stage there is one significant difference. The reason for usage of interchangeability is due the mechanism deployed at various context and term associated with them such HSRP, VRRP, GLBP, NAT or DNS based load sharing, equal/unequal cost path load sharing, ether channeling, reverse proxy, round robin, weighted queue etc. Let take look at below explanation.

Master your IP Subnetting Skills

In real life scenario we use various free tools to quickly calculate the IP sub-net but if you are preparing for an exam or an interview this is an favorite question asked and we need to be prepared for this question. To master IP sub-netting you need to keep practicing and follow a simple method which will ease this effort. The scope is limited just to quickly find the network number or calculate number of host and sub-net as quickly as possible for details you will have to refer other study material. Magic Number 256 minus < sub-net mask > = magic number. Example: 256 minus 128= 128 256 minus 192= 64 256 minus 224= 32 256 minus 248= 8  Figuring out which network a particular host belongs to?   Take 172.26. 180 .185  255.255. 248 .0 for example.  172.26 we don't worry about, and same with the .185   Take 256 - 248 = 8 (increments of 8 to be exact) Magic number!!!  Take 180 divide by 8 = 22.5

Cisco ASA on GNS3

My struggle for installing Cisco ASA on GNS3 lead me to write this procedure which is already floating around in various versions around the internet but this attempt was to write a concise and still informative  procedure to configure Cisco ASA successfully on GNS3. The relevant snapshots will be updated shortly  :-)