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Showing posts from August, 2015

What is Password Manager?

Why do we need a password manager? Today is the world of social media, online business trading, online banking hence creation of different password became a necessasity and remembering them become nightmare. Writing these passwords on pieee of paper and pasting those paper on desk became a common practice which became easy target for cyber criminals to sucessfuly launch cyber attack, credential theft, financial fraud etc. Having a universal user name and password is impossible .  As every site or service has its own password requirements and hence its practically it is hard to keep track of all your different passwords.  Help improve security posture by providing a secure way for password storage rather than storing passwords in plain text compromising security posture.  It’s unreasonable to expect any person to remember complex passwords.  Its better to have something rather than nothing.  A Password Manager is a software application that allows users to securely store and organize pa