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Showing posts from 2016

How to Find Last Login/Logout on Linux System

In Linux/Unix like operating systems everything is logged. Many valuable log files are automatically created for you by Linux. You can find them in your /var/log directory.  This folder contains logs related to different services and applications. In this folder apart from other logs files we have some files such as utmp , wtmp and btmp . These files contains all the details about login’s and logout’s which are from local as well as from remote systems and system status such as uptime etc.

Thinking Information Security is Someone's Job

There are lot of buzz words related to cyber security in terms of technology, processes and regulations in terms of compliance but very less is talked about the people i.e. human factor.  moreover it's the people who use these technologies and data, who develops and follow these processes and regulations and hence its utmost important element in this trilogy PPT (People Process Technology).

CapTipper – Malicious HTTP Traffic Explorer

CapTipper is a Python tool independently developed by one of checkpoint researchers, Omri Herscovici, which is used to analyze, explore and revive HTTP malicious traffic. It provides the security researcher with easy access to the files and understanding of the network flow, and is useful for researching exploits, as well as various pre-conditions, versions, obfuscations, plugins and shellcodes.